Db2 – List of open (uncommitted transactions) in DB2 LUW


How can I get list of open (uncommitted transactions) in DB2 LUW?

Or just the oldest transaction id?

Basically, I need to get the first change of the oldest open transaction. I found APPL_ID_OLDEST_XACT in SYSIBMADM.SNAPDB view, but it tells me only the application id and I could figure out how to get to the actual LSN/LRI.

I was suggested to use db2pd -transactions, but I can only run it from server side.
Is there a solution that I can run from client side?

Best Answer

Assuming you have a newer version of DB2 (10.1 or higher, although I want to say a few of these are in 9.7). You have the Monitor views and functions.

The MON_CURRENT_SQL view and the MON_GET_ACTIVITY table function look like they could possibly be what you are after.