Db2 – Learning DB2 without a local install


I will be starting a new job in about 5 weeks, and want to spend some private time really getting to grips with as many of DB2s features as possible, as it is the DB used in the new company.

Am I required to do a local home install of the DB so that I can play around with it and try some things out, or is there somewhere online that I can connect to a public sandbox DB to practice/test/play around with it?

If an install is required, I'll follow this link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3289433/where-to-start-learning-db2-programming


Best Answer

I don't think you can avoid a local install. I'm not aware of any online sites (e.g. SQLFiddle does not offer DB2).

In addition to the book you linked to, I can highly recommend the "DB2 SQL Cookbook" as well: http://mysite.verizon.net/Graeme_Birchall/id1.html

And don't forget the official manual: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7/index.jsp