DB2 LUW – How to Export All Tables from Database Schema to CSV


Is there a way using a DB2 database to systematically export all tables from a schema to separate csv files ? What I mean is to export all the tables in a schema without specifying table names. Maybe somehow getting all table names in a schema, then applying the export on those

Best Answer

You can easily create a small script that does this for you, or even do a loop on the command line. Assuming you are on a unix/linux platform something like below should do.

#> db2 connect to mydb

#> for t in $(db2 -x "select rtrim(tabschema) || '.' || rtrim(tabname) from syscat.tables where tabschema = 'DB2INST1'"); do db2 "export to $t.csv of del modified by coldel, select * from $t"; done

You can replace DB2INST1 with whatever schema you are interested in. If you want tables from several schematas you can use in:

#> for t in $(db2 -x "select rtrim(tabschema) || '.' || rtrim(tabname) from syscat.tables where tabschema in ('DB2INST1', ...)"); do db2 "export to $t.csv of del modified by coldel, select * from $t"; done

There are a lot of options that you can use to format the output from export, here I use modified by coldel but there is much more that you can configure. See:


for more info.