DB2 – How to Recover from Backup Pending SQLSTATE=57019


I updated the DB2 parameters in LOGARCHMETH1 to OFF. It worked fine after bouncing the database.

When I tried to turn on again the LOGARCHMETH1 and specify a DISK for the log archive of the database, used the command:

update db cfg for "DES" using LOGARCHMETH1 DISK:G:\db2\DES\log_archive\

It prompts that the parameters submitted for immediate modification were not changed dynamically. Database must be shutdown and reactivated before the config parameter changes become effective. So I restart/bounce the database with:


Tried to check the database config again if the changes was made, but now
I cannot anymore connect to the database and I was being prompt with error:

SQL1116N A connection to or activation of database "DES" cannot be
made because of BACKUP PENDING. SQLSTATE=57019

SQL1116N A connection to or activation of database "DES" cannot be
made because of BACKUP PENDING.

Any suggestions on how to activate back the database? Since now I cannot turn on the application for this one.

Best Answer

Backup pending means you need to take an offline backup. Since you went from circular to archive logging DB2 needs a point in time from where it can apply the logs.