DB2 – How to Create a Windows User for Installing DB2 Server with Extended Security


I'm trying to install db2 10.5 on Windows Server 2008 not as built-in "Administrator", but as another local user, but it fails to create instance with the symptoms similar to http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1IC85663

First it complains it cannot create DB2ADMNS and DB2USERS groups (in fact, the groups appear after installer dies)

Then there's a another mesage:

The creation of the process for the partitioned instance failed.
Return value is "4294965337".

I don't have Active Directory. All users are local. Here's how I create the user for installing db2:

net user db2installer s3cret /ADD
net localgroup Administrators db2installer /add

I don's see any difference between "Administrator" and "db2installer". Perhaps "db2installer" should be added to some security policy?

Best Answer

Problem solved by setting

 Security options/User Account Control: run all administrators in admin approval mode = Disabled

in Local Security Policy