Db2 – Database returned to CIRCULAR mode but logs are still being archived to old location


my DB2 database (v 9.7) is in Circular mode.

Current Logging Type:Circular

Path to log files: /home/ctginst1/ctginst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/SQLOGDIR/

I had old archive location /opt/IBM/archive
and now my hard disk space is full 100% because I have over 500 logs in that location which I cannot find that is defined somewhere.

What is going on?Why archive logs keep coming to old archive log location?

This is really big problem for us I will be thankful for any help

Best Answer

Run GET DB CFG with the SHOW DETAIL option, which will reveal any settings that are delayed (not yet active). Any difference between the "Current" and "Delayed" value indicates a DB CFG change that was made after the database was last activated.

If the old path isn't showing up in any of the settings in the "Current" column of the database config, then examine the logging settings of other local databases on the system (and in other local instances if any exist) to see if they're the culprit.

It also wouldn't hurt to take a look at the crontab schedules on the server to see if a cron job is responsible for copying the files to an inappropriate path.

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