DB2: Database alias already exists when cataloging


SQL1005N The database alias "XYZ" already exists in either the local database directory or system database directory

I am an accidental DB2 LUW on linux administrator; primary background in MSSQL and Oracle. We have an application that has an integrated DB2 Enterprise server as part of the stack. Within that, the application creates databases based on user defined workloads. When those workloads are dropped, the databases are removed as well. Unfortunately, I've reached a scenario where i need to reuse database names. For example, the databases are named like WORKOB0[0-9][0-9] and we've exceeded 99, historically.

If I manually create database WORKOB01, the create is successful. However, when I attempt to catalog it, I get the error message above. The databases do not exist in the user directory, no question about that. However, there is a twist. The application creates databases AT NODE 'HOMEDB01'. When I use commands like list database directory, no objects are present. If I use list node directory, it states that "the node directory cannot be found".

I'm lost. I've spent several hours on this and I'm in a position to say: I have no idea what I'm doing!

Best Answer

If this is a development environment I suggest you turn off the directory cache:

db2 update dbm cfg using DIR_CACHE NO
db2 stop force; db2start

I don't really understand why you need to create new databases though, can't you cope with a new schema in an existing database?