DB2 – Can’t Connect to Database on Localhost Using DBeaver


Solved: I was connecting to the wrong port, according to /etc/services | grep db2

I have a DB2 Express C v.10.5 database running on localhost, but simply I can't connect to it.

Translation of the error message below:
"java.net.ConnectException: An error occured when opening the socket to the server … on port 50000 with message: Connection refused"
Connection error dialog

Driver properties: driver properties

I am using DBeaver 3.1.1, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit.

Can somebody please help? 😐

Best Answer

First make sure db2 is started:

#> db2 connect to <db>

If that's not ok, use db2start. Next what port is db2 listening to?

#> cat /etc/services | grep db2

If it's not 50000 change your connections string in DBeaver. Next try to telnet to the port (assuming it is 50000):

#> telnet localhost 50000

If that's fine (saying something like Escape charater is ^]), check if DB2COMM is set:

#> db2set | grep DB2COMM

It should say DB2COMM=TCPIP

Is it a firewall issue? Check with:

#> sudo iptables -L