Oracle Date Formatting – Best Practices and Examples

datedate formatoracle

this query:

select to_char(sysdate, 'Ddspth MONTH, Yyyysp') from dual

will return:

Eighteenth MARCH , Two Thousand Fourteen

i am wondering if there are any additional formatting keywords that will allow including a list of characters like "of" , "the" … inorder to have an output like:

"Today is the" Eighteenth "of" MARCH, Two Thousand Fourteen

or is that requires splitting the date conversion and using a concat function? thanks

for example :

select 'Today is the ' || to_char(sysdate, 'Ddspth') || ' of' || to_char(sysdate,' MONTH, Yyyysp') from dual

Best Answer

figured this out, here is a solution in case someone needs to do something similar...

using double quotes "" around characters will display them as they are...

select to_char(sysdate,'"Today is the" Ddspth "of" fmMONTH,Yyyysp') as Today from dual

will display:

"Today is the" Eighteenth "of" MARCH, Two Thousand Fourteen