Database Design – ‘Lists’ storage


I'm "about" to implement a feature on one of my apps which requires storing a lot of data (PlayLists).

Assume the following scenario:

  • A user can have multiple playlists
  • These playlists have up to 500k entries (maybe even more)
  • I must be able to get, remove, re-sort or query the whole playlist or by using indexes
  • Currently a playlist for each user; but
  • I'm about to implement a feature that will allow users to have more than 1 playlist.
  • About 3500 entries per playlist. Some can go as high as 590k.

Playlist entries are represented by the following class:

public class Item {
  private Long owner; // User
  private String data;
  private String name;
  private String author;
  private int index; // Index of this item on the list

TL;DR: List< Item > for every user (more than 1 per user) where this list can extend to 500k+ entries.

Currently, I have SQL-based storage for this, however, it's slow as heck, specially when I need to shift indexes – slow up to the point of my db driver thinking that the connection failed and leaked.

To explain "shift indexes": Let's say I'm removing an item at the 3rd index (i = 3), this means that all other items after it need to shift one index down, so I can later on request index 3 and get the item that was previously index 4.

Currently, I decrement the column value Order for that playlist for all elements after the one I deleted.

Current PlayList Items Table design

Id (Ordering/Index) | PlayList (Id) | Owner (User) | Name | Author | Data


Which would be a better/more efficient way of storing this kind of "bulk" data, while still being able to query and modify it?

I'm ok with changing/implementing a new database software for this kind of data, since it's really big (I currently use Redis and MariaDB). However, I would love to avoid having to.

Best Answer

Hmmm... 1 person can have 590k tracks? Difficult to imagine, however, I have come up with a schema which might make a good starting point. You may want to have a playlist table for each user depending on how many users you have.

I have used PostgreSQL - you should be able to readily translate to another RDBMS - but, if you are going the Open Source route, I would recommend PostgreSQL.

I have also provided a minimal amount of DML (INSERT statements) which should let you see where I'm coming from.

The playlist table is an example of an Associative Entity - otherwise known as a joining table or a many-to-many table - they are very useful.

Obviously, I don't have a real dataset, but I believe that the SQL updating a user's order by 1

UPDATE playlist SET pl_order = pl_order + 1 
WHERE pl_user = 123 
AND pl_order > order_to_be_deleted

should not be too onerous. Get back to us if you're still having problems. Note, that it should be within a single transaction!

Note also that you can put a lot of your application logic into the database creation script itself - various rules can be enforced without having to write a word of application code!

CREATE TABLE my_user  -- "user" is a keyword in PostgreSQL
  user_id SERIAL, CONSTRAINT user_pk PRIMARY KEY (user_id),
  user_name VARCHAR(25)
  -- other fields?

  song_id SERIAL, CONSTRAINT song_pk PRIMARY KEY (song_id),
  song_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  song_artist VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
  song_writer VARCHAR(50), -- may be unknown, i.e. NULL
  song_label VARCHAR(50) 

  pl_user_id INTEGER, -- NOT NULL not required, see CONSTRAINTs.
  pl_song_id INTEGER, 
  pl_order   INTEGER,

  CONSTRAINT playlist_pk PRIMARY KEY (pl_user_id, pl_song_id),
  CONSTRAINT playlist_user_fk FOREIGN KEY (pl_user_id) REFERENCES my_user (user_id), 
  CONSTRAINT playlist_song_fk FOREIGN KEY (pl_song_id) REFERENCES song (song_id),

  CONSTRAINT pl_user_song_uq UNIQUE (pl_user, pl_song) 
  -- can't have same user and song combo!

  CONSTRAINT pl_user_order_uq UNIQUE (pl_user, pl_order) 
  -- can't have ties of preference


CREATE INDEX pl_user_ix ON playlist (pl_user_id);
CREATE INDEX pl_song_ix ON playlist (pl_song_id);

CREATE INDEX pl_user_song_ix on playlist (pl_user_id, pl_song_id); 
-- this is an index which may help with the UDATE query above.

INSERT INTO user (user_name) VALUES ('Fred'), ('Bill'), ('Mary');

INSERT INTO song VALUES ('U2',          'Streets have no name',  NULL, NULL); 
INSERT INTO song VALUES ('Thin Lizzy',  'Boys are back in town', NULL, NULL); 
INSERT INTO song VALUES ('Cranberries', 'Something else',        NULL, NULL); 

(1, 1, 1),
(1, 2, 2),
(1, 3, 3),
(2, 2, 1),
(2, 3, 2),
(2, 1, 3),
(3, 3, 1),
(3, 2, 2),
(3, 1, 3);