Data Schema For Stock Control / Multi Source Inventory


I'm working on a project that involves stock control with multiple stock sources and sales channels. The overall hierarchy I've got so far looks like this;

Sales Channels <---- Allocated Stock Sources <---- Stock Locations (warehouses) <--- Stock Sub Locations <---- Shelf / Bin Locations

As far as rules go for how these entities relate to each other I've come up with this;

The system must have one or more sales channels, each sales channel
must have 1 or more stock sources, a stock source must have 1 or more
stock locations (warehouses / buildings / distribution centres ), a
stock location may have 1 or more Bin/Shelf locations.

A product may have 1 or more stock locations, may have one or more sub
locations in those stock locations and may have one or more Shelf / Bin

First off, is this a solved problem where some reference schema exists I could utilise and save myself some headaches?

If there isn't a reference design for this situation, Am I best to build a 1 to Many relationship to assign stock to a sub location(s) and another 1 to Many relationship for Shelf Locations (if exists)

This is the ERD I've come up with so far;


Best Answer

You can check out the book Data Model Patterns by David Hay. It has inventory and product modeling patterns.

It's hard to judge the logical correctness of model without more business details, but I think you should have someone with more experience in data modeling review the ERD so it meets business requirements. You enumerated 1:many relationships, but you modeled many:many which more than meets what's stated.

From a technical perspective, you should not define the product table with PK column id char(36); define the column as product_id int or product_id raw(16) if you really think you have to. RAW is an Oracle data type, use the appropriate data type for your DB platform. This goes for all the tables. Personally, I would not put id in all those "link" tables, it's not necessary.