Database Diagrams – Crow’s Foot Notation Identifying vs Non-Identifying Relationships

database-diagramsforeign keyprimary-key

Is it possible to distinguish between identifying and non-identifying relationships using the Crow's Foot notation?

Case in point: In table Book, part of the book's Primary Key is a FK to the Author table. In other words I embed the author's identifier in the book's identifier. Also, a book has a FK to a Book_Type (containing values like "hardcover", "papercover") (this is just an example, I understand that I would probably need a "book edition" table for that).

The thing is that this latter FK relationship isn't nearly really as important as the former one (the FK to Book_Type is not part of Book's Primary Key), yet my understanding is that in the Crow's Foot diagram shown below, both these relationships are rendered identically:

enter image description here

Have I misunderstood something or is there a way to signify the identifying versus non-identifying relationship distinction using the Crow's Foot notation?

Best Answer

Information Engineering methodology placed a big "I" on the relationship to show the foreign key was part of the primary key:

enter image description here