Oracle – How to Create an Admin User


How can I create a "root" (like on MySQL) in Oracle?

I installed Oracle database on my system, for homework, for school (faculty) but it didn't give me the option to make a root user. Well at least I don't think so.

It asked me on preparation for install to create a password but when I tried connecting with the id and password it failed. (So that is why I presume it did not make a root user)

Connected on the databse with connect /as sysdba but don't know how to create a user with admin privileges.


create user "user" identified by "password" with grant option;


create user "user" identified by "password";


grant all on "user" with grant option;


I want to have all privileges on all tables, etc.

Best Answer

you first need to connect as root to the database, then you create the admin user.


connect /as sysdba


create user admin identified by secret
grant dba to admin 
conn admin/secret