Oracle 11g – How to Create a New Table


Hello I recently changed companies and the databases as well. Having worked with postgres so far, oracle is still fuzzy to me, so here I am stuck with creating a table. This is my SQL attempt :

CREATE SEQUENCE binaries_seq;
      CREATE TABLE binaries (
       id       NUMBER DEFAULT binaries_seq.NEXTVAL,
       PRIMARY KEY (id),
       data     BLOB NOT NULL

Hardly descriptive error shows up :

SQL Error: ORA-00984: column not allowed here

Even found an article suggesting this approach :

What am I doing wrong? I was trying to create a table having one blob field and an id field.

This is my oracle version :

Oracle Database 11g Express Edition Release - 64bit Production

Best Answer

You are, as per your tag, not using Oracle 12c.

The syntax id NUMBER DEFAULT t1_seq.NEXTVAL, is only valid from 12c onwards, so you get an error.

On Oracle 11 and prior, you want to use an insert trigger to apply the sequence's nextval to the primary key:

create or replace trigger binaries_ins
  before insert on binaries
  for each row
  when ( is null)

  select binaries_seq.nextval into from dual;

end binaries_ins;