Azure SQL Hyperscale – How to Copy Databases


I wanted to try SQL Azure Hyperscale, after I selected it seems I no longer have the option to move out of it. If I try, I get this message "databases cannot be moved out of hyperscale tier".

The Copy option is not available and restore does not give you the capability of choosing a different configuration.

Is there a way to move to another Tier ?

Best Answer

Once a database is migrated to Hyperscale, it cannot be migrated directly to a non-Hyperscale service tier. At present, the only way to migrate a database from Hyperscale to non-Hyperscale is to export/import using a BACPAC file or other data movement technologies (Bulk Copy, Azure Data Factory, Azure Databricks, SSIS, etc.)

Source is here.

Database copy for Hyperscale is now in Public preview as announced here on Sep 22, 2020.