Convert OLTP Database to OLAP Data Warehouse


( Basically I need help to convert that OLTP Model to Data Warehouse in order to be used for further OLAP Cubes. I understand well the difference between the Star Schema and the Snowflake Schema in design , but can't figure out what tables to keep in and what tables to exclude . *Note: This OLTP Model is devoted in the Retail field and it must answer questions like the following:

  • How many customers are spending more over time? Less over time? Describe these customers.

    • Of those customers who are spending more over time, which categories are growing at a faster rate?

    • Of those customers who are spending less over time, with which categories are they becoming less engaged?

    • Which demographic factors (e.g. household size, presence of children, income) appear to affect customer spend? Engagement with certain categories?

    • Is there evidence to suggest that direct marketing improves overall engagement?

So , based on the above questions as I read on various data-warehouse sites and blogs , I must keep some tables that will be useful and merge other tables as possible . If anyone can help I can share the dataset description for each table and the function of each column , I would be thankful for advices and participation .

Best Answer

First in this case I suggest you to adopt a star schema. the transaction_data table obviously will be you reference to construct your fact table because it contains 'measures' like quantity,sales_value and other numeric attributes , the fact table also will contain substitution-keys of dimensions tables like Time, Product, Customer,demographic, etc.