SQL Server 2008 – Conversion Failed When Converting Date and/or Time from Character String


I have a sql query as follows:

select * from Txn_Master
where Txn_Type = 'TPD' and 
Txn_Date = Getdate() 
order by Txn_ID DESC

But in this sql-server query when i enter date manually like '01/06/2023' it shows data in table but whenever i enter getdate() function to get current date automatically it shows no data only shows blank table

Best Answer

when i enter date manually like '01/06/2023' it shows data in table but whenever i enter getdate() function to get current date automatically it shows no data

GETDATE() returns the current system timestamp as a DATETIME value (date and time to the milliseconds). That's obviously different than just the DATE value string you provided of '01/06/2023'. Your Txn_Date probably truly doesn't have any values with the same milliseconds as the instant in time when you ran the query with GETDATE().

To make your query work with GETDATE(), you need to cast it to just a DATE data type like so:

select * from Txn_Master
where Txn_Type = 'TPD' and 
order by Txn_ID DESC