Commonly Used Acronyms by Database Administrators


What are the most commonly used acronyms among database administrators and what are their correlated meanings?

This is for the community and those searching for meanings of commonly used terms and acronyms when working with databases, etc.

Best Answer

ACID – Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability

AIO Asynchronous I/O

BASE - Basically Available, Soft-State, Eventually Consistent...essentially a counterpart to (though not really "opposite" of) ACID, this is the core principle of most NoSQL implementations.

BI - Business Intelligence

BLOB – Binary Large OBject

CAP – Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance... The three requirements of a distributed system (as they apply to a database) according to Eric Brewer's CAP Theorem.

CDM – Copy Data Management

CI – Clustered Index

CK – Candidate Key

CLOB – Character Large OBject

CRUD – Create, Read, Update, and Delete

CS – Cursor Stability - an isolation level supported by different database management systems.

CTE – Common Table Expression

DB – Database

DBA – Database Administrator

DBMS – Database Management System

DCL – Data Control Language

DDL – Data Definition Language

DML – Data Manipulation Language

DMV - Dynamic Management Views

DR - Disaster Recovery

DRBD - Distributed Replicated Block Device

DRDA – Distributed Relational Database Architecture

DRI - Declarative Referential Integrity

DSS - Decision Support Systems

DTD – Document Type Definition

DW or DWH – Database Warehouse

EAV – Entity-Attribute-Value (aka. the archenemy)

ERD - Entity Relationship Diagram

ETL – Extract, Transform, Load

FDW - Foreign Data Wrapper (PostgreSQL)

FK – Foreign Key

FLWOR – For, Let, Where, Order, Return - an expression form used within XQuery to query XML within a database (not sure if DB2 only)

FS – Filesystem

FTS – Fulltext Search

GBP – Group Buffer Pool

HA – High Availability

HADR – High Availability Disaster Recovery

HDD – Hard Disk Drive

ICP – Index Condition Pushdown (MySQL)

IOPS – IO Per Second

IOT – Index Organized Table (Oracle)

ISAM - Indexed Sequential Access Method

I/O – Input/Output

JDBC – Java Database Connectivity

KV – Key/Value

LAMP - Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP

LBAC - Label Based Access Control

LOB – Large OBject

LPAR – Logical Partition

LRU – Last Recently Used (algorithm)

LUN – Logical Unit Number

MDC – Multidimensional Clustering Table

MDM – Master Data Management

MDX – Multidimensional Expressions

MED – Management of External Data

MQT – Materialized Query Table (IBM DB2)

MV – Materialized View

MVCC – Multiversion Concurrency Control

NAS - Network Attached Storage

NCI – Non-clustered Index

NF - Normal Form (ie: 1NF, first normal form)

ODBC – Open Database Connectivity

ODS - Operational Data Store

OLAP – Online Analytical Processing

OLTP – Online Transaction Processing

OODBMS – Object-Oriented Database Management System

OOM – Out Of Memory

ORM – Object-Relational Mapping

OS – Operating System

PK – Primary Key

PL/pgSQL – Procedural Language/SQL (PostgreSQL) used for writing stored procedures. Similar to PL/SQL.

PL/SQL – Procedural Language/SQL (Oracle) used for writing stored procedures. Also see SQL PL.

QPS – Queries Per Second

RAC – Real Application Clusters (Oracle)

RAID – Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RBAR – Row By Agonizing Row

RDBMS – Relational Database Management System

RBR – Row-Based Replication (MySQL)

RPO - Recovery Point Objective - how much data you can afford to lose. If your server went down, this is the point at which you'd be able to recover the data.

RR – Repeatable Read - an isolation level supported by different database management systems.


– Read Stability - an isolation level supported by different database management systems.

– Replica Set - multiple physical nodes forming a logical node with redundant data. Most commonly used in the MongoDB ecosystem

RTO - Recovery Time Objective - how much time it would take you to recover the data to the RPO

SAN – Storage Area Network

SBR – Statement-Based Replication (MySQL)

SCD – Slowly Changing Dimension

SE – Storage Engine (MySQL and forks)

SEQUEL – Structured English QUEry Language, which was IBM's precursor to SQL, which is why SQL is sometimes (often?) pronounced SEQUEL and not S.Q.L.

SP – Stored Procedure

SQL – Structured Query Language

SQL PL – SQL Procedure Language used for writing stored procedures. Also see PL/SQL.

SQL/XML – an extension of the SQL language used for querying XML.

SSD – Solid State Drive

TPS* - Transactions Per Second, a measurement of database performance.

UAT - User Acceptance Testing

UDF – User Defined Function

UDT – User Defined Type

UR – Uncommitted Read - an isolation level supported by different database management systems.

URLT - Update Resume; Leave Town - For those DBAs that don't bother putting together a proper recovery strategy

XML – eXtensible Markup Language

XSD – XML Schema Definition

XSLT – XML Stylesheet Transformation