Common term for a table (heap) without any supporting structures


Maybe this is off topic, and please VTC if so, but I couldn't think of a better place to ask.

Is there a common term for a table without any other structures (indexes, statistics, etc) – something like a "naked" table? I use the term heap but understand it just to apply to nonclustered tables, rather than to tables without other support – a heap can still have other indexes associated with it.

I had copied some tables into a new database but didn't bring over the partition scheme, indexes, triggers, or anything else – it made me wonder if there's a term for just the data itself (and minimal schema needed to hold it).

Best Answer

We refer to these as heaps in SQL Server. I understand that Non-Clustered Indexes complicate things, but that's their name.

For what it's worth, on many RDBMS platforms, with auto statistics enabled, there's very little chance a table will not have statistics on it.

I'd be comfortable calling these data structures unindexed heaps.