Commit() takes 50 seconds after inserting about 100000 rows


I have a sqlite database that is, (I think), fairly small.

I has about 1 million rows in a couple of table and the total space on disk is about 150 Mb.

I then open a transaction and insert about 100000 rows, the time it takes is about 10 seconds and I think this is acceptable for that number of rows, (and given the fact that my app does some 'other' processing.

My concern is when I do the 'Commit()' itself.

It takes around 50 seconds to write the data to disk… (around 10Mb is actually written).

This is what I do:

-- pseudo code for brevity...
Data Source=database.db;Version=3;Pooling=True;Max Pool Size=100;

PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;
PRAGMA wal_autocheckpoint = 16;
PRAGMA journal_size_limit = 1536;
PRAGMA cache_size = 10000;
PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;


-- 100K Inserts/ 10K Deletes


Can anybody think why the commit would take so much longer than the entire transaction?

Any suggestions on how I could speed the commit up?

Best Answer

In WAL mode, the database must do regular checkpoints to prevent the log from growing infinitely large.

So after a large amount of changes, it decides to do an automatic checkpoint (especially since you have set wal_autocheckpoint to a rather small value).

You can move the checkpoint delay to another time (but not avoid it altogether) by doing checkpoints manually.