Clarification on steps creating Database Replication Definition


I am being asked to create database replication definitions for a couple of databases (around 20 databases). I just wanted to clarify is the below-mentioned steps are the correct steps to be carried out?
Let's says 'customer' is one of my database.

  1. Set ddl in tran to true
    sp_dboption customer,"ddl in tran", true
  2. Mark the primary database using sp_reptostandby
    sp_reptostandby customer,'all'
  3. Set the RepAgent parameter send warm standby xacts to true
    sp_config_rep_agent customer,'send warm standby xacts', 'true'
  4. Create db repdef/subs
    create database replication definition db_repdef_customer
    with primary at DS.customer
    replicate DDL
    replicate system procedures

    create subscription db_sub_customer
    for database replication definition db_repdef_customer
    with primary at DS.customer
    with replicate at DS2.customer1
    without materialization

(Note: DS.customer and DS2.customer1 are ASE-ASE replication)

After I have followed the above steps to create db repdef/subs, I hit a lot of permission issues on my replication ID to do INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE operators on those tables I did not setup table replication yet. Further check on these tables in my 'customer' database (ex. I tried to do insert/update/delete operations manually on tables without setting table repdef, I realised that the data replication is working for all the tables under the 'customer' database with/without I setup table replication. Is this normal? Any steps I have missed out? Please help.

Best Answer

step 1 not needed and not normally recommended as it can lead to contention issues on system tables

setp 3 is needed if you want to replicate DDL and system procs (which coincides with what you've got in step 4 - replicate DDL/sysprocs)

create sub should be step 5

check sub should be step 6

step 7 would be sending a rs_ticket from the PDB and making sure it arrives in RDB's rs_ticket_history table

make sure your maintuser (in RDB) is aliased to dbo to get around permissions issues