Changing the default schema of a user


In order for an application user (APP_USER) to use another schema (SCHEMA_OWNER) without the need for prefixing queries with the schema name, I have implemented a logon trigger that changes the session parameter CURRENT_USER.

This works fine except for sequences. When I do either of

select my_seq.nextval from dual;
insert into foo(bar) values(my_seq.nextval);

… I get the error

SQL Error [1031] [42000]: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges

Any ideas on why this may be and how to solve it?

Two possibilties comes to mind, maybe I need to

  1. grant select privileges to SYS.DUAL of SCHEMA_OWNER? or
  2. use the SESSION_USER instead of the deprecated CURRENT_USER parameter/variable?

Unfortunately I do not have admin rights on the database, else I would test it myself. I must work through a DBA, which means I have some difficulty in trying out different solutions and ask the question here in the hope to speed up the process.

Please note that workarounds like creating Oracle synonyms or views is not an option and likewise I cannot prefix all queries with the schema name since the application is a packaged product. Running as the schema owner is not an option either because of enterprise policy.

Best Answer

Sounds like you don't have SELECT access on the sequence. Ask the DBA to run:


Can you edit your post with the full error message you're receiving?

Regarding your comment. I suspect you've got SELECT ANY TABLE etc privs. These don't apply to sequences, as demonstrated below:

PHIL@PHILL11G2 > create user test1 identified by test1;

User created.

PHIL@PHILL11G2 > grant connect,select any table to test1;

Grant succeeded.

PHIL@PHILL11G2 > create sequence testseq;

Sequence created.

PHIL@PHILL11G2 > conn test1/test1;
Loading glogin.sql

Session altered.

TEST1@PHILL11G2 > select count(*) from phil.bigtable;



TEST1@PHILL11G2 > select phil.testseq.nextval from dual;
select phil.testseq.nextval from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges