Changes access method for non-correlated subquery


Oracle 11g R2

Unfortunately our application has per row security "features".
We have a query that looks about like this:

Bad, slow:

SELECT someRow, someOtherRow
FROM bigTableA a
  SELECT 0 FROM bigTableA_securitymapping b 
  WHERE b.PrimaryKeyTableA = a.PrimaryKeyTableA AND
       b.accesscode in (SELECT accesscode 
                              FROM accesscodeView 
                              WHERE user = :someUserID)

There a unique index on bigTableA_securitymapping(PrimaryKeyTableA,accesscode).

The accesscodeView could potentially return more than one accesscode for a given user, so it must be IN() and not =.

The issue is that this query ignores the unique index for bigTableA_securitymapping and chooses to do a full table scan.

If I change the IN() to an = then it does a UNIQUE SCAN on the unique index on bigTableA_securitymapping and is about 50 times faster.

Good, fast but not possible:

SELECT someRow, someOtherRow
    FROM bigTableA a
      SELECT 0 FROM bigTableA_securitymapping b 
      WHERE b.PrimaryKeyTableA = a.PrimaryKeyTableA AND
           b.accesscode =(SELECT distinct accesscode 
                                  FROM accesscodeView 
                                  WHERE user = :someUserID)

But, I cannot do that because the accesscodeView may return more than one row.

(There's a distinct in there because the accesscodeView needs it given the =, putting the DISTINCT on the original query makes no difference.)

If I hardcode the accesscodes, it also does a UNIQUE SCAN on the unique index for bigTableA_securitymapping.

Good, fast but requires large application change:

SELECT someRow, someOtherRow
      FROM bigTableA a
        SELECT 0 FROM bigTableA_securitymapping b 
        WHERE b.PrimaryKeyTableA = a.PrimaryKeyTableA AND
             b.accesscode in (1,2,3,4)

Changing to a join inside doesn't really help either. It still does a full table scan.

Bad, slow:

SELECT someRow, someOtherRow
FROM bigTableA a
  SELECT 0 FROM accesscode ac INNER JOIN 
                bigTableA_securitymapping b ON
                  ac.accesscode = b.accesscode         
  WHERE b.PrimaryKeyTableA = a.PrimaryKeyTableA 
        AND user = :someUserID

So why the difference between = and IN() in. And why does a non-correlated subquery (the accesscodeview subquery) cause such a plan difference? Is there any way to rewrite it to do what I want? The difference in 'good plan' costs vs 'bad plan' costs here are 87 vs 37,000 and a large amount of time in real runtime for the same results.

Best Answer

The database may be ignoring your index if your statistics are stale (including both the system and table statistics) or if your initialization parameters are not optimized. The default optimizer cost adjustment is likely wrong for most applications, for example.