Chance of duplicate on single select max into statement

best practicesoracleprimary-keysequence

Against my will, I am told to use the following method to generate a new pk value.

    VALUES((SELECT MAX(SM_SEQ)+1 FROM SERVER_MONITERING), #cpuStat.combinedUsed#,, #memStat.used#, #diskStat.size#, #diskStat.used#, #serverIP#, 'KW', 'N', TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MI'))

I told him it still looks like there could be duplicate SM_SEQ values.

However, I don't know for sure whether this approach will eliminate duplication or not.

  1. Will the approach above eliminate the chance of duplicate values ?
  2. Is this a good practice ?
  3. Will a sequence.nextval eliminate the chance of duplicate values ?
  4. What is the best practice ?


Sorry, I forgot to mention.
There are multiple devs and their own code that inserts into this table and they all use select max()+1. I am a "guest" dev at this company. So I have little influence on their decision. If I switch to using a sequence only by myself, other devs will still select max()+1 and there will be collision between the two approaches.
Probably, I would have to tell all of them why even nesting a select max()+1 won't solve their problem, if it truly would not.

Best Answer

Assuming that you allow multiple users in your application, max()+1 will guarantee that you will get duplicate values. Therefore, it is a bad practice. It's also less efficient but that is a lesser concern. If you have two sessions, session 1 gets the max() + 1, and session 2 tries to get the max() + 1 before session 1 commits (or rolls back), session 2 will get the same value that was given to session 1.

Using a sequence will eliminate the possibility of duplicates. Use a sequence.