Oracle EM – Cannot Change Password


I am facing an issue as follows:
I login to em using SYS as SYSDBA. Enterprise Manager shows information screen saying my password is going to expire. SYS Password will expire on 7th Feb 2017 as confirmed with Sql Plus:
Sql plus windows
Now on EM side, when I go to preferences -> General -> Password and try to change my password, it says Current Password - Current password is invalid.
Password error

I am providing same password I used to login to EM as SYSDBA but no luck.

Can someone advice what the problem is? How can I access database from EM in this situation. Also, please briefly advice about how to extend password expiry date.

DB Version: Oracle 11g

Best Answer

That's not the best practice to use SYS user to use in Enterprise Manager. And you can change password for the user like SYSTEM or SYSMAN using OEM but not for SYS user.

You can change the password of SYS user using SQL*PLUS command called password which send the password in encrypted form instead of plain text.

[oracle@ora12c ~]$ sqlplus sys@oracdb as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jan 24 13:37:49 2017

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SQL> password
Changing password for SYS
Old password: 
New password: 
Retype new password: 
Password changed

First of all find out which profile is assigned to the user-

SQL> select profile from dba_users where username='SYS';


-then you can user ALTER PROFILE to change password life time.

Also password doesn't cause effect on SYS user(I couldn't find documentation link) as demonstrated below.

SQL> alter user sys password expire;

User altered.

But I still can connect to the database using old password.

C:\Users\user>sqlplus sys/oracle@ as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Jan 24 13:52:46 2017

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

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Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Automatic Storage Management, OLAP, Advanced Analytics
and Real Application Testing options

However, if your password for sys user has expired and unable to login then-

  • use ORAPW utility
  • run sqlplus / as sysdba from the terminal of the user who owns the Oracle software.