Can Oracle 11g Express Edition Work on Parallels


I am using a Mac and need to use Oracle 11g. I have Parallels installed with Windows 8.1 on it. Do I need to download anything else or just download Oracle 11g Express Edition and run it?

Best Answer

Better solution would be to install docker or virtualbox and run the OracleXe image within one of those containers. Once docker is running you can easily launch a new OracleXe container with two commands. Already configured to allow easy access via SQLDeveloper. I tested my own steps by downloading the docker toolbox, installing and running the OracleXe image. Everything started up without an issue on my desktop. If all possible I would run this on a droplet at DigitalOcean since Oracle is a hog on space 2.3G!

OracleXe container can be found here: OracleXe Docker Container Docker Install on Mac: Docker Install