Database Design – Best Way to Store Material Information and Quantities


I want to store some information about a game. Specifically information about certain buildings that can be built in it.

Said buildings require materials to be built. I am trying to come up with a good DB model for storing that information in my database.

For example, one building needs 10 wood to be built. I thought about having a "Buildings" table with columns for ID, name, icon and material cost. However I'm usually used to referencing common values from another table. This is to say I would have a separate table named "Materials" with columns ID, name and icon and the "Buildings" table would have a column "MaterialsRequired" which would hold a reference to the ID of the needed material in the "Materials" table. But I have no idea how to do that (which is a best practice, afaik) AND store the needed amount of said material.

Best Answer

No you would have a intermediate table, so you can have a many to many realtionship. And a material can be also a product of other materials

Building            Building_Material         Material
Building_id         Building_id               Material_id
Name                Material_id               Name 
                    Quantity                  Price