SQL and Relational Algebra – Beginner Questions Answered


I'm doing some exercices waiting for the exam. I have some doubt.


  • These are the table:

    Newspaper (Cod_n, Name_n, Publisher)

    Article (Cod_a, Title, Topic, Cod_N)

    Request : Find out the name of the newspapers that have published a topic deal with motorcycle at least

    My solution: π_name ( σ_topic = "motorcycle" (newspaper naturaljoin article))

    Book's solution: π_name (newspaper naturaljoin σ_topic = "motorcycle" (article))

Are the solution equivalent? Is the only difference between them the "cost of the operation" ?

  • The table is the same of the previous exercice.

    Request: Find out the name of the newspapers that have never published a topic deal with motorcycle

    My solution: π_name_n (newspaper naturaljoin (σ_topic notegual "motorcycle" (article)

    Book's solution: π_name_n(newspaper naturaljoin (π_cod_n(newspaper) – π_cod_n (σ_topic = "motorcycle" (Article)

Are the solution equivalent?


These are the table:

Student(matriculation_number, surname, name)

Exams(Student, subject, grades, date)

Request: Find out students (showing matriculation number) that have passed two exams after 1/1/2000 at least

My Solution:

select distinct matriculation_number

from student join exams on matriculation_number = student

where data > '2000-01-01'


select distinct matriculation_number

from student join exams on matriculation_number = students

where data =< '2000-01-01'

Book's solution:

select distinct e1.student

from exams e1 join e2 on e1.student = e2.student

where e1.subject < > e2.subject

and e1.date > '2000-01-01'

and e2.date > '2000-01-01'

Is the solutions equivalent?

Thank you in advantage for your time.
I'm sorry I don't know how to insert relational algebra's symbol.

Best Answer

Your sql query is wrong:

- Assume there is a student s1 who has passed one exam 
  after '2000-01-01' and none before. 
  Your query results in {s1} - {} = {s1}. This will be a false positive.

- Assume there is a student s1 that passed three exams 
  after '2000-01-01' and one exam before. 
  Your query results in {s1} - {s1} = {}. This will be a false negative.

I'm having a bit of trouble reading your algebra expressions, but the first one looks ok. It should not matter that you do the selection (topic = "motorcycle") after the join instead of joining on the selection.

The second one can't be right. Assume there's a newspaper that published both an article on motorcycle and an article on something else. Your expression will pick the article on something else and therefore return that newspaper (incorrectly).