Azure SQL Database Error 18456 – Severity 14, State 1


Why can't I login to my SQL Server database on Azure, and how do I correct this? No one in our company has changed the password of our Azure SQL Server database administrator user, yet I'm getting the error noted below when I use SQL Server Management Studio 2017 on my local PC and try to connect to my Azure database as I always have:

Server Name:
Error Number: 18456
Severity: 14
State: 1
Line Number: 65536

According to Microsoft (, Error 18456 is a logon failure. I'm not sure what the Severity value means. But as for the State value of 1, it means, "Error information is not available. This state usually means you do not have permission to receive the error details. Contact your SQL Server administrator for more information."

Unfortunately, the Azure support website is down so I can't investigate further.

Best Answer

Azure is having a pretty major outage right now!

Microsoft has warned that a "subset of customers in South Central US" may experience Azure problems today after cooling issues sent the servers scurrying for the shutdown button.

The warning was first raised by Microsoft at 09:29 UTC as pretty much everything in the South Central US region went offline thanks to a temperature spike that caused servers to automatically shut down to avoid damage.

I'd suggest following @AzureSupport to stay updated.

Unfortunately, the Azure support website is down so I can't investigate further.

Is a pretty good clue as to what's going on.