AWR Report – Tuning Database


We have an OLTP system, following are our AWR reports taken during peak hour window for three days once each day. We see a lot of direct path reads; we want to add more PGA in-order to reduce wait time on this wait event. Following is the current setting in our 11g db.

Sqls order by cpu

CPU Time (s) Executions  CPU per Exec (s) %Total Elapsed Time (s) %CPU %IO SQL Id SQL Module SQL Text 
7,279.38 9,694 0.75 31.50 7,297.79 99.75 0.27 0dp0c8wux0jnt    select case when max(LMA.LEAS... 
6,562.18 1,395 4.70 28.40 6,582.28 99.69 0.31 3g2kw67v3v0qs    SELECT NAME, 
4,229.12 836,735 0.01 18.30 4,234.99 99.86 0.00 55a17fhdqg315 DBMS_SCHEDULER  begin :con := SELECT_POLICY_FU... 
2,683.17 968 2.77 11.61 2,605.03 103.00 7.61 dfd3gcuamscs8    select sc.Doc_ID docId , sc.DO... 
2,434.46 853,025 0.00 10.54 2,442.95 99.65 0.00 4y5m5y6y6wvzs DBMS_SCHEDULER  SELECT COUNT (*) FROM CONTACT_... 

Top 5 Timed Foreground Events 08-Feb-2011
Event   Waits   Time(s) Avg wait (ms)   % DB time   Wait Class
DB CPU      23,108      94.74    
db file sequential read 1,332,461   797 1   3.27    User I/O
direct path read    430,600 523 1   2.14    User I/O
db file scattered read  245,444 224 1   0.92    User I/O
SQL*Net more data to client 2,057,853   155 0   0.64    Network

Best Answer

Direct path read is a classic symptom of parallel full table scans - what's your top SQL by I/O? I'd look at the query plan for that to make sure an index is being used. What's your parallelism set to?

Upping the PGA will only help if it's one session doing all of those for a given table, in the worst case each session will need a PGA large enough to cache the entire table...