Automatically create ER diagram from database schema


I have a database with 193 tables and I need to create an entity-relationship diagram from them. There are no formal relationships between the tables with respect to FKs. The relationships are mapped with 1-* tables.

The database in question is the MusicBrainz database found here.

SchemaSpy doesn't detect the relationships.

Other than myself creating it manually does anyone have any suggestions. Or is anyone familiar with this database that could offer some assistance?

Best Answer

The relationship between tables in any relational database is done using Foreign Keys.

From the Wikipedia definition:

Foreign keys play an essential role in database design. One important part of database design is making sure that relationships between real-world entities are reflected in the database by references, using foreign keys to refer from one table to another.

Without FKs there will be no way for any schema modelling tool of knowing that two tables are related.

A solution might be for you to script out FKs by parsing the names of the tables (if the related tables have similar names), then names and data types of columns that define the relationship. But that's no trivial task.

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