Are there security-issues with a read-only-account on Oracle-DBs


I am currently working as IT-maintenance-guy for a classic MVC-system(oracle-db/jboss) at public sector. The newest feature should be the shutdown of my oracle-db-readOnly-Account cause of "security reasons" (<– Yes, it is not any more specific than that). I tried to some investigation on what that security threats might be, but i ended up finding no argument suiting my case.

My question is:
Can a readOnly-Access to an Oracle-Database cause any serious security issues?
I am looking for arguments that i can toss at the decision-maker that there is no threat coming from me having a readOnly-Account!

Additional information:

  • I am also inside the house-LAN (behind exterior firewall)
  • I am a learned SQL-user.
  • I don't store data on my local machine and i have no intention of selling/leaking any data. Beside the fact that the data is not the slightest bit intresting for any outsider 😉

Thanks in advance for any good ideas/arguments/issues/hints!!

Best Answer

Yes, there are.

  1. every account puts load on the server and has the potential to bring it down by overloading it with silly queries or sometimes just bad luck.
  2. more and more important: privacy issues. When a company leaks data they can get serious fines.
  3. company secrets can be stored in the database. Leaking them does not help their case.

control and audits are getting more and more important.

A solution can be to have a copy system in place that generates an adhoc query database that is de-personified enough so privacy concerns can be remedied. It also alleviates the production host from the load caused by the research queries.

A controlled reporting tool can also be helpful, I just don't see how that mitigates privacy concerns other than having predefined reports that just don't show personal data.