Windows – Stop iTunes from automatically stopping podcast downloads


I subscribed to about 30 interesting podcasts which I would like to listen to one day when I have time… maybe never, but I hope I will soon.

I just noticed that iTunes has not been downloading some of them for months with the following error:

iTunes has stopped updating this podcast because you have not listened to any episodes recently. Would you like to resume updating this podcast?

I found a script for OSX and a few workarounds, but as far as I am concerned, this is annoying and I should not have to work around it.

My workaround consists of going to podcasts, doing a select all and marking them all as watched. However, this totally ruins the whole management aspect as I do not know what I have not listened to.

This is most annoying as some have dropped off the RSS feeds so I have to manually find them… (trying to see at the moment if I can put them inside the right podcast section and not just as a mp3).

How can I tell iTunes that it does not know what I want and just to do what it is told!?

Best Answer

You cannot get iTunes to stop doing this, sadly, and I don't think you can exactly re-implement the Doug's Applescripts solution for expired playlists for Windows - it relies on manually updating each podcast rather than calling update all. And the iTunes COM object does not seem to expose a way to update individual podcasts, only the entire list.

And I am 99% certain that Matthew is incorrect and that refreshing all is not sufficient to bypass the recently listened count. The wperry link will mark the podcast as listened to, which is the same issue as your workaround that you find unacceptable.

I do think, however, that you can workaround this issue by right-clicking and choosing refresh. While that's unnecessary to actually get new episodes when you have periodic updates set, it will reset the clock, as it were, and prevent it from stopping when you don't listen for a while. Whether this is actually any better than just dealing with it as it comes up, however, I don't know.