Windows – How to remove Windows 7 from the Mac mini


I recently bought a Mac mini with the latest version Yosemite op system. I installed Parallels and then installed Windows 7 pro using the Windows install disc. I now want to remove Windows 7 all together and just have the Mac op sys but every time I go on Google or Youtube all I see is them talking about Bootcamp. Unless I am mistaken, I do not have bootcamp on my computer.

It should be noted that I am new to Macs so I am treading lightly.

Best Answer

You have Windows in a virtual machine. This only runs if you run Parallels so Windows is not normally running.

To remove Windows just delete the virtual machine which is just a directory on the disk which by default is ~/Documents/Parallels

If you don't know where the files are then I think in in parallels you will have an option to delete the VM