Windows – Can’t eject Windows 7 install disk to get drivers from Snow Leopard Install Disk


Alright. I'm angry at this.

I'm on a 2008 Macbook Pro, running snow leopard trying to install windows 7.

During the "find drivers" phase still in mac, it can't.
So according to apple I'm supposed to continue on anyways and use my snow leopard install disk to install the drivers. But once I am installing windows 7, there is no way to eject disks because I don't have drivers installed yet.

How am I supposed to get around this?

Best Answer

Turn the machine off. Turn it on again, and hold down the trackpad button. The disc should eject.

Restart and hold down the mouse or trackpad button until the disc ejects.

(The other suggestions don't apply; you're not in MacOSX yet, you don't have an eject hole, and you have an Intel machine so the firmware thing won't work.)

The other Apple support page is here:-