Bootcamp – Fix Black Screen After Windows 10 Installation

bootcamphigh sierrawindows

I have a MacBook Air with OS High Sierra. I tried to install windows 10 by selecting the top and the bottom selections in Bootcamp, which installs the setup on a USB and partitions a section for windows 10. Bootcamp successfully installs it and boots into windows 10 setup.

After I complete the setup, it boots into windows 10. That’s where the error is. It restarts and goes to a blank screen. The screen is not off, and the computer isn’t off either. I booted back into Mac OS and tried to boot back into windows 10, and the black screen reappears.

Here is a video of what happens.

Does anyone know how to fix this?


Best Answer

For anyone else coming here, try this simple solution first.

Disconnect the power (MagSafe plug). If the display comes on, it means your power profile is set to turn brightness down when the AC is plugged in.

Solution: While power is unplugged, login and verify that the brightness controls work. Then plug power in and turn the brightness up. For some drivers, those brightness control don't work, and I've seen drivers that install with brightness set to zero by default.