Windows – Boot Camp – Can’t download the software because of a network problem


I have spent 20 hours trying to install Windows 8.1 pro 64 bit on my MacBook Pro Retina MGXC2B/A

I created a ISO image of my Windows dvd, put it on my desktop.

Inside Boot Camp it asks for the Iso Image, I set this to read the ISO file on my desktop

Inside the Task Status window, I see the text "formatting selected drive…", which then changes to "Copying Windows files…"

When the loading % bar in this window reaches around 50%, a window pops up stating.

Can't download the software because of a network problem

I have tried this 10 times now, its the same error over and over, there is nothing wrong with my internet connection or networking, what is the issue?

Best Answer

I ran into this issue just now and fixed it. My computer used to be managed by my company and the catalogURL was changed to a company owned update server.

I fixed it by resetting it:

sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ CatalogURL