Why xterm would run only once on XQuartz


I have XQuartz running and I can open xterm if I have started XQuartz just for the first time after rebooting the machine. However, as time passes, I cannot create new xterms. So much so that if I quit current XQuartz and restart just XQuartz, I cannot get any xterm. It is annoying that I have to reboot the machine just to be able to use xterm.

I am running OS X 10.11 El Capitan. I'll appreciate any insight.

Here is the information from pkgutil.

$ pkgutil --file-info /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app
volume: /
path: /Applications/Utilities/XQuartz.app

pkgid: org.macosforge.xquartz.pkg
pkg-version: 2.7.86
install-time: 1445273913
uid: 0
gid: 0
mode: 755

Best Answer

Using Keyboard

After selecting/clicking on Xquartz, you can press command + n to create how many new xterm windows you need.

Using Terminal App

open a terminal app and enter the below command


hopes this helps.