macOS Network – Why Computer Makes Hundreds of Requests to


I'm experimenting with NextDNS, and I noticed that my PC is making hundreds of requests an hour to Currently 40% of my DNS queries are to

I understand this is a feature to detect if the computer is connected to a captive portal. However, it's not connected to a captive portal, it's connected to my home network and DNS requests, including requests to are resolving.

Even if I connect to a VPN that has its own DNS settings, the OS continues to send these requests to the DNS server specified in the Network preferences (although other requests go via the VPN).

I tried disabling from this answer, however the requests are still being sent. I disabled my network connection for a while to confirm my computer was the source of the requests, and the requests stopped appearing in the logs. They reappeared again when I re-enabled my connection.

NextDNS has a quota, and these DNS requests are going to use the majority of the quota.

Why is my computer making so many requests to, is it normal, and is there a way to stop it?

I'm on OSX 10.15.7.

Best Answer

I analysed the traffic with tcpdump -k port 53 (suggested by this Reddit thread), and it turns out it was expressvpnd, part of Express VPN.

That was surprising, because I didn't have Express VPN client running, but it appears to set up a demon that sends DNS queries to and even when the app is not running.

I removed expressvpnd and killed the process, and the requests stopped.