Why can I not type certain upper case accented letters using the option key with Turkish input


My macOS is configured with Turkish Q - Legacy input source. To get accented letters, typically one would type Option + <key> to get the accented version of it, e.g., Option + C to type ç or Option + Shift + C to get Ç.

However, this Option + Shift combination for upper case letters DOES NOT work for some letters, even though the lower case version works just fine. Also, I can press and hold Shift + <key> to get the accented letter mini menu to appear on top of the typed letter. This, thought, is a major typing speed impediment.

What can I do to be able to type all the upper case accented Turkish letters on my keyboard?

Examples where upper case accented letters CAN be typed with Option + Shift:


Examples where upper case accented letters CANNOT be typed with Option + Shift; no output is produced in the app/document:


Examples where even Press+Hold+<key> does not bring up mini menu above letter:


Now all of the above works for the lower case version of the same letters, i.e., hold Option and type s to get ş.

Best Answer

Thanks to tips from @TomGewecke, I was able to find the app/shortcut key combo that took over the letters I was trying to type.

Amethyst (a great window management tool) uses Option + Shift + I to "Display current layout" and Option + Shift + S to "Select Wide layout".

enter image description here

I don't have any use for those functions, so I removed the corresponding shortcuts.

For future reference, I am wondering if there is a way to ask macOS for "the list of currently assigned shortcut keys and what app has defined them".