Where is the SafariStand menu/preferences


Inspired by this answer I installed SafariStand (after installing SIMBAL) (following instrtuctions in the read me file

How To Install
– Install SIMBL 0.9.5 or later http://culater.net/software/SIMBL/SIMBL.php
– Quit Safari.
– move "SafariStand.bundle" into your SIMBL plugin folder.
– Result path is "/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/SafariStand.bundle".

and also in this website)

Now that the installation is done, I am unable to see the menu/icon of SafariStand There is not much documentation anywhere.

Where/how do I see the SafariStand settings window?

Best Answer

Look for the "Stand" menu to appear between the "Window" and "Help" menus in your top menu bar.