Find Unicode Symbols for Mac Functional Keys


Is there a list of key-symbols that I could reference?

Best Answer

If you are talking about something like this: ⌘ (the ⌘ key), then you are looking for this chart:

              Apple
⌘         ⌘      Command, Cmd, Clover, (formerly) Apple
⌃         ⌃      Control, Ctl, Ctrl
⌥         ⌥      Option, Opt, (Windows) Alt
⇧         ⇧      Shift
⇪         ⇪      Caps lock
⏏         ⏏      Eject
↩         ↩      Return, Carriage Return
↵ ↵ ↵      Return, Carriage Return
⏎         ⏎      Return, Carriage Return
⌤         ⌤      Enter
⌫         ⌫      Delete, Backspace
⌦         ⌦      Forward Delete
⎋         ⎋      Escape, Esc
→ →  →      Right arrow
← ←  ←      Left arrow
↑ ↑  ↑      Up arrow
↓ ↓  ↓      Down arrow
⇞         ⇞      Page Up, PgUp
⇟         ⇟      Page Down, PgDn
↖         ↖      Home
↘         ↘      End
⌧         ⌧      Clear
⇥         ⇥      Tab, Tab Right, Horizontal Tab
⇤         ⇤      Shift Tab, Tab Left, Back-tab
␢         ␢      Space, Blank
␣         ␣      Space, Blank

You also can copy the glyphs directly!