Where are the tap featues of the Airpods on the Airpod Pros


I recently got some Airpod Pro earphones. I'm accustomed to being able to tap my left Airpod to advance to the next track and my right Airpod to toggle pause/play

I can't seem to find similar features on the Airpod Pros. First there appears to be no tap options only squeeze and second the squeeze options are only noise settings and Siri. Further, squeeze is not nearly as convenient as tap since I can tap my AirPods with my hands full but can’t squeeze.

Is there some way to enable the tap options on AirPods Pros or are these really a downgrade from the functionality of the standard AirPods?

Best Answer

Tap on AirPods is replaced with a press on the stem (squeeze) on AirPods Pro.

On either AirPods Pro stem:

  • Single press for play/pause
  • Double press to skip media (next song, etc)
  • Triple press to play from start, or if at start, previous media (last song, etc)
  • Hold stem for the custom action in Settings, i.e. switch listening mode or start Siri.