When using a dumthe VGA projector, some of the software does not appear on the built-in retina screen


enter image description hereSo the reason I attached a VGA dummy to my mid-2014 retina Macbook is to solve this problem which it did. But now I have a new problem. From time to time, if I try to open a software, it won't appear on my retina screen. It reappears if I unplug the VGA Dummy. However, the problem does not appear consistently. Sometimes if I restart my Mac it disappears, at least for a while. And I am not a hundred percent sure, but it never happens with Chrome, only calendar, texshop or office softwares.

Please help me because this is seriously hampering my ability to work

Best Answer

I assume you use the VGA dummy as a secondary monitor, and most likely you have it configured as your primary monitor. Try this: Open Preferences -> Monitors -> Arrange and drag-n-drop the menu bar to your built-in retina display. Alternatively, you can choose to mirror your screen onto the (non-existent) external monitor, which should absolutely fix the issue.