What’s the difference between “loving” a song and clicking a song’s heart in iTunes


I'm finally experimenting with an iTunes Music subscription, hoping to find music I like based on what I already like.

iTunes seems to have two ways to express my opinion on a song I'm listening to in iTunes Music:

  • I can select a song and, two-finger click on is and select either "Love" or "Disklike".

  • Separately, I can hover to the left of the song and a heart outline heart will appear, and I can click this, which fills the heart in with red. Clicking again toggles it back.

These two actions seem to be independent. "Loving" a song doesn't turn the heart on, turning the heart on doesn't "love" a song.

What do these two things indicate? Which one, if either, will make it more likely that iTunes Music will suggest songs that I might like?

Best Answer

It's the same thing. Unfortunately there appears to be a bug where the UI doesn't update one when you select the other, but it's stored the same and will appear the same next time iTunes refreshes that playlist/etc.