What to do with single-picture events in iPhoto


I use iPhoto to manage my pictures. I have, therefore, over several years gained quite a set of Events as iPhoto calls them.

I also have lots of one-off pictures that people send me that I want to keep. Not sure they deserve their own event, though, as the Events page is becoming pretty large.

What is a reasonable way to manage these pictures (and I hope that this questions meets the subjectivity benchmark)? Make a "Single Picture" event? Do pictures even have to be part of events, but if not, how do I find them again?

Best Answer

Photos need to be part of events; deleting a photo from an event deletes the photo from your Photo Library (unlike albums where deleting the photo just removes it from the album). If I was you I'd create a 'One-Off' or 'Photos I like' event.

You could create a big event for everything you don't want to be in its own event folder. This should let the Events feature be used for what it's designed for - organising your photos by significant dates. If Events seems like too much hassle then you can just ignore them all together, make your own albums and organise them manually.

Personally I just use events to find photos from 'the picnic' or 'that time we went to the airport', I don't bother organising or sorting my events.