What software can play FLAC files and has basic playlist support


What are options to play FLAC files and have playlists on OSX? I've not seen a way to make iTunes play them natively, songbird looks terrible with retina display and same goes for clementine.

I just switched to osx from linux and I was hoping I wouldnt have to go back to CMUS.

Best Answer

I hope you have a secondary storage solution for FLAC audio files. I do :). I understand the allure of FLAC, I do everything I can to get my media in FLAC or at least some lossless format that I archive. There are a lot of benefits to keeping lossless files around, but playing them via any conventional player is (in my own opinion, of course) not one of them.

I use Max to convert my FLAC files to Variable 256Kbit AAC audio.

Max format settings window

Once that's done, I archive the FLAC files elsewhere, and import the converted files into iTunes. Sweet, compatible, bliss.