What Is The Smallest Partition I Can Use Disk Utility to Add


I'm trying to add a new partition to my Macbook, in order to dual boot with Linux. I have a 250GB drive, with 70GB free. However when I try to use Disk Utility it says
"This volume can not be split because the resulting volumes would be too small."

enter image description here

This answer tells someone having the same problem their drive is simply too small. Can I really not create a 70GB partition? What is the smallest size I would be able to create?

Best Answer

While the Disk Utility application is move convenient than using the diskutil command, often the Disk Utility does not provide sufficient support for non-Apple related tasks. Adding Linux definitely falls into this category. The amount you can shrink a APFS container can found by using the diskutil command. For example, I have a APFS container on my external drive. Below is the partial output from from the command diskutil list. This shows the partitions on my external HDD.

/dev/disk3 (external, physical):
   #:                       TYPE NAME                    SIZE       IDENTIFIER
   0:      GUID_partition_scheme                        *400.1 GB   disk3
   1:                        EFI EFI                     209.7 MB   disk3s1
   2:         Microsoft Reserved                         16.8 MB    disk3s2
   3:       Microsoft Basic Data BOOTCAMP                125.7 GB   disk3s3
   4:       Microsoft Basic Data WINSTALL                11.5 GB    disk3s4
   5:           Windows Recovery                         629.1 MB   disk3s5
   6:                 Apple_APFS Container disk4         200.0 GB   disk3s6
   7:                  Apple_HFS BU                      61.3 GB    disk3s7
   8:                  Apple_HFS Macintosh HD via rEFInd 200.0 MB   disk3s8
   9:                  Apple_HFS Preboot                 200.0 MB   disk3s9
  10:       Microsoft Basic Data BOTTOM                  57.7 MB    disk3s10

Since the APFS container has the identifier disk3s6, I can use the command shown below to determine how much the APFS container can be resized.

 diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk3s6 limits

The resulting output is shown below.

Resize limits for APFS Physical Store partition disk3s6:
  Current Physical Store partition size on map:   200.0 GB (200000000000 Bytes)
  Minimum (constrained by files/snapshots):       76.7 GB (76683403264 Bytes)
  Recommended minimum (if used with macOS):       87.4 GB (87420821504 Bytes)
  Maximum (constrained by partition map space):   200.0 GB (200000000000 Bytes)

This output shows the minimum size is 76.7 GB. The size of the smallest partition you could created after the APFS container would be hard to determine exactly. Anything reasonably small would be accepted. For example, the command below would create new empty partition of approximately 100 MB in size.

diskutil apfs resizecontainer disk3s6 199.9G %noformat% none 0