Byobu Status Panel – Meaning of Red 1! Message in Byobu Status Panel


I've used Byobu on Linux systems, and the x! msg (x being a number) means that many corresponding packages need to be updated. However, on a Mac with brew (all packages updated) I cannot tell what the 1! msg is trying to tell me? Is there someway to parse it's data out?

Best Answer

Byobu checks for updates on macOS using this script:

# Mac OSX
# check if any new versions have been installed since
# we last cached. this may not recognize formulae
# installed with HEAD
for f in $(brew --prefix)/Cellar/*; do
    [ "$f" -nt "$mycache" ] && return 0
# nothing new has been installed, so check wether the
# formulae database was updated
[ "$(brew --prefix)/Library/Formula" -nt "$mycache" ]