MacOS Shortcuts – How to Click Buttons on Message Box


Prompt on MacOS

On Windows you can use the TAB key to switch between which button has focus then press space to click the focused button.

However, on MacOS, when presented with the dialog in this screenshot, I cannot seem to use tab to switch between the buttons I want to click. I can only hit RETURN to click the Save button, or ESC to click Cancel. But I have no idea how I can click the "Don't Save" button using just the keyboard.

How can I navigate/click buttons in a MacOS message box using just the keyboard (not the TouchBar, Mouse or TrackPad)?

Best Answer

Actually, you can achieve the same behaviour in macOS!

First, you need to do as follows:

  1. Go to Apple > System Preferences > Keyboard
  2. Select the Shortcuts tab
  3. Tick the All Controls radio button (see below)

  1. Now exit System Preferences

Once you've done this, you can use the Tab key to navigate the various options (incl. buttons) in Dialog boxes. In the screenshot below I've selected the Don't Save button.

Once selected, just press the space bar as you would in Windows!